Sunday, June 14, 2009
Roller Girl Boot Camp
Today was a punishing day. I made it through MN roller girl try-outs!!! I survived four hours of drills and tests that I could not possibly do justice to in description here. Suffice it to say that it was one of the most physically demanding things I've ever put my body through - ever. After all that, I was chosen to go on to Roller Girl Boot Camp. There are no guarantees that I'm on a team, only that I have a chance to show team recruiters that I have the stuff to play the game. The next eight weeks will determine whether I make it on to a roller girl team or not. I cannot fucking believe I survived today. It was sooo hard! My mind is mush, I cannot feel my legs and I'm a little groggy from the celebratory beers I shared with friends down at the Bull Dog. What a great fucking day.
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